How to Be the Only Shredded One in Your Office

5 Actions to Build & Keep Your Physique

I take pride in my physique. I really do.

Why? Because it’s the only thing I feel like I truly own. It’s something I’ve worked very hard for…for a long while.

And it’s something that brings me respect from many of my peers and colleagues. People will have an unspoken admiration for you just by seeing how well you take care of yourself.

However, this doesn’t mean it’s some kind of impossible journey you embark on to build your body. It can be quite simple if you implement a few new habits, set rules for yourself, and stick to a plan.

I’m not doing anything extraordinary. I just have some habits that are basically unbreakable at this point, I have rules that I don’t let myself break (because it’s become my identity), and I never deviate from my training.

I’m going to quickly list and describe 5 actions that will lead you to living a better, healthier life. Even with the incredibly busy schedules we’re all living by…

We all have big goals heading into 2024…net worth, relationships, career, health & fitness, etc. Moving into the new year, I will be taking on a few clients for personal training. If you’re looking to gain some muscle, drop a few pounds, or just build a lasting health & fitness lifestyle moving into the new year, sign up for a free consultation call below. Let’s see if we can work together!

#1 Choose a Few Meals and Stick to Them

I know this might be a little unpopular, but hear me out. If you find a meal that you truly enjoy and it includes all of the necessary nutrients you need to fuel and recover, just stick with it. Make it easy on yourself and take the thinking out of it. By sticking to the same thing, you will know what you’re getting every single time and you won’t have to think twice about it.

I do this during my weekdays THEN allow myself to live a little on the weekends (eating a cookie right now as I type this 😃 ). My regular meals of choice:

  • Morning: Intermittent Fast

  • Lunch: 2x cans of tuna, Greek yogurt w/ peanut butter & fruit, small bag of Cheezits

  • Dinner: Bowl from Roots Natural Kitchen (Shameless plug…they’re the greatest sponsor ever ❤️ )

Through numerous iterations I’ve found what works best for me and it’s saved me a ton of time and brain power. I encourage you to give it a shot!

#2 Find a Workout Routine You Can Stick With…No Matter What

What’s a workout you can do every week and never get bored of it? Think long and hard. Now commit to doing that a few days a week!

Sure, it’s important to work on your flexibility, your cardio, your strength, etc. and all of that can be programmed in down the road. But, the first challenge is getting out there in the first place.

So commit to 3 days a week to start. Do that for 3 weeks to prove to yourself that you can build an unbreakable discipline. Then, find a way to optimize your program.


I cannot emphasize this one enough. As an athlete, we experience the direct impacts that lack of sleep can have on the body. We can feel the difference between 7 hours and 8 hours of sleep…sometimes too well 🥲 

I say that to say sleep has a much larger effect on maintaining our physique than we think. By not hitting a minimum of 7 hours of sleep, you deprive you muscles the chance to build & recover, you risk hormone imbalance, you may increase inflammation, and the list goes on. So please…get that 7-9 hours your body is begging you for.

#4 Stay Hydrated

The first thing I do immediately when I wake up is drink about 25 ounces of water. It replenishes your system, helps flush toxins, aids in digestion, supports brain function, etc. etc.

I have my water bottle with me EVERYWHERE I go. No matter what. By building the habit of continuously drinking, you will reap all of the benefits. Adequate hydration throughout the day also helps with digestion, nutrient absorption, and can aid in controlling hunger. All of this assists you in maintaining that physique while hitting everything you got on that busy schedule.

So grab that bottle and hold it close. It’ll do more for you than you think.

#5 Live a Little

This may sound a little counterintuitive…but it’s incredibly difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you don’t allow yourself some leeway every now and again. If you’re too strict, you risk burnout on the way towards your fitness goals.

Which is why I allow myself to enjoy myself on the weekend. I stay straight and narrow during the week, then I let myself have that cheat meal and that dessert once the weekend rolls around.

But it’s important to stay strict with yourself during the week. You have to earn your cheat days. Stay strong, and I promise that cheat will taste even better with the wait.

So there ya have it. A few actions to take to to maintain your physique. Nothing crazy, nothing difficult. All it takes is commitment and discipline to stick with them for the long haul…which I know is within your grasp. Best of luck 😀 

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