Rich People Are Jacked

Habits to promote success

Fitness is foundational to riches.

I promise you.

Where else can you build grit, discipline, and delayed gratification all while improving your attractiveness and attaining higher mental clarity?

Not to mention the longevity benefits…it’s like a magic pill (that kinda hurts to swallow but will always be worth it 😀).

There’s a reason 95% of Fortune 500 CEO’s were athletes and many still consider health & fitness to be a key component of their success. They understand the overwhelming list of benefits and are capable of staying disciplined enough to put the work in.

A stat I’ve always loved 😁 

I believe there are a few incredibly simple tasks we can take on to dramatically increase our level of health & fitness to become the best versions of ourselves.

We all have big goals this 2024…net worth, relationships, career, health & fitness, etc. Moving forward, I will be taking on a few clients for personal training. If you’re looking to gain some muscle, drop a few pounds, or just build a lasting health & fitness lifestyle in 2024, sign up for a free consultation call below. Let’s see if we can work together!

Just as many of these Fortune 500 CEO’s continue to do, we should build the discipline to complete the daily habits that will add up to a prosperous, healthy life.

I’ve listed a few actionable items below. I believe if you can hit these week in and week out without fail, you will become unrecognizable.

You will receive those compliments you always wanted, you will be respected by those around you, and you will have the mental and physical energy to take on whatever the day throws at you.

Doesn’t that sound great? Now it’s just time to commit to the habits:

  • 7-8 hours of sleep

  • 100 ounces of water / day

  • Pack your own lunch

  • Use the standing desk 1/3 of the time

  • Take walking meetings

  • Strength train 3x / week

  • Cardio sessions 2x / week

  • Say no to the workplace snacks

If you can make a deal with yourself that you will do these without fail (no negotiating with yourself whatsoever), I promise you will become a new human.

You will also build a heightened respect for yourself and what you’re capable of. You will carry that into every aspect of life moving forward. Be it in your work, your relationships, your finances, etc. You will carry yourself different once you do what you say you will do…without fail.

Best of luck, friends, and I pray we all stay on the path to becoming fit & wealthy. Here’s to the journey 😁

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