Nutrition That Can Last a Lifetime

Every now and again, I’ll get the comments: “I wish I had genetics like you,” or “I wish I could look like that,” or the good ole “Must be nice.”

Well…I promise you this is not genetics. Here’s some proof:

Dough Boy Jake

It’s funny because that’s my dad next to me…and I think he was in better shape than me while in his 50’s…

But it was shortly after this I had that run in with my high school track & field coach where he called me fat in front of the entire team…which may have been the greatest thing to ever happen to me.

I began studying everything I possibly could about nutrition, fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle. I begged my parents to help me buy supplements, send me to train at the local athletic gym, and clear our house of any unhealthy foods.

I became a mad man. I woke up at 5 AM to train at the gym before school, trained in PE class during school, and came out for track practice in the evenings.

I ate the same thing every single day. I had it down to a science. I tracked every calorie that went into my body and worked to understand how all of the different nutrients were affecting my performance.

I did this for 4 years straight. Nonstop. And I learned some major lessons that I’ve taken with me to this day. I think if I continue on this path, I can maintain my physique for most of my life. This path gives me all of the nutrients I need while providing leeway to keep my mind from going mad…

My personal brand has brought me opportunities, connections, and deals I never imagined possible. I wanted to help a wider range of people reap the same benefits, so I put together a kit covering everything I’ve learned in building my personal brand. Check it out if you’re looking to grow your influence! Now let’s get back to this lesson :)

Learning #1: Prioritize Protein

Above all other nutrients, make sure you are taking in adequate amounts of protein. This is the cornerstone of a healthy diet and has a wild number of benefits:

  1. Muscle growth and repair

  2. Weight management

  3. Improved metabolic health

  4. Bone health

  5. Better immune function

  6. Wound healing

  7. Healthy hair, skin, and nails

  8. Enzymes and hormone production

  9. Transport and storage of nutrients

  10. Preservation of lean body mass during weight loss

I have always shot for 1g of protein / lbs. of body weight. Aka, I’m ~170 lbs. so I shoot for 170g of protein per day.

Learning #2: Steer Clear of Alcohol

I get it…you probably cannot fully eliminate this from your diet. There are happy hour’s, client parties, celebrations, weddings, etc. that require a certain amount of alcohol consumption…and it’s really fun 😆 

But if I can get you to create any kind of rule for yourself limiting alcohol, I promise you’ll reap the benefits immediately. Maybe limit alcohol to the weekends, only 1 drink per night, or only on special occasions, etc.

Alcohol has some pretty impactful downsides:

  1. Impaired brain function

  2. Decreased protein synthesis

  3. Digestive system issues

  4. Cardiovascular health risks

  5. Weakened immune system

  6. Mental health impact

  7. Sleep disruption

  8. Weight gain

  9. Increased risk of injury

Oh, and HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE! Even if you’re not drinking. Keep that water flowing (with occasional electrolytes).

Learning #3: Have a Consistent Diet

I eat almost the same thing every single day during the week:

  • Morning: Intermittent Fast / Caffeine

  • Lunch: 2 Cans of Tuna, Greek Yogurt w/ Fruit & PB, Small Snack (Typically Cheezits…which I really look forward to 😀), and supplements

  • Dinner: A good ole Roots Natural Kitchen Bowl

*Not a big snacker either^

I do my grocery shopping on the Sunday leading into the week. I buy the same thing every week and don’t think twice about it. Then, after I’m finished training, I head over to Roots every night during the week. It’s simple, I don’t have to think, and I know it works. It just takes some trial and error of meals to see what works for you. And once you find it, keep it consistent!

Learning #4: Let Loose on the Weekends

Now it’s time to give your mind a break. You’ve been disciplined all week and it’s time to reward yourself a bit. I typically like to have 1 or 2 full cheat meals and a dessert. Not enough to affect my body but just enough to give my mind a break from the disciplined regimen.

And I believe this is the key to staying fit and healthy for the long haul. Keep the discipline during the week, take a small break on the weekend.

In everything I’ve tried, this keeps me

Learning #5: Track Your Intake Until You Know What You Need

I downloaded Myfitnesspal and used it for years until I finally had a grip on how much of what I needed to sustain myself and keep a healthy physique. The app allows you to input some personal information, gives you an estimate of nutrients you may need, and allows you to track your intake with an easy food lookup system.

My advice would be to utilize the tool until you have a grasp on how much is too much or what is too little for yourself. You’ll find your rhythm after a while 😀.

In my opinion, I think we overcomplicate nutrition. If we try a few things, see what works and what doesn’t work, and keep some simple rules for ourselves, we can live long looking shredded. So here’s to the iterations and our longevity!!


I love pain. #athletics #polevault #trackandfield #runner #fitness #fitnessjourney #athlete #skinnypower #foryou #foryoupage #fyp #pain #fail