New Beginnings

Life evolves...just stay ahead of the curve

Hello Friend,

It’s been a few weeks since I’ve hit the keys. Life is changing (as it always does).

I’ve stepped away from the sport that’s given me so much in this life. An unbelievable number of ups with a subsequent number of downs that followed.

But it was that one ruthless injury that made me take a step back and question my direction - God always has an interesting way of intervening.

The conclusion I have drawn? If I can’t be elite in this thing, why continue to bang my head against the wall?

It’s a tough decision to make, but I am truly the happiest and most satisfied with my life when I am chasing lofty goals, competing amongst the greats, and keeping a singular focus.

Life changes as we go…and I’m excited for what’s ahead.

We all have big goals…net worth, relationships, career, health & fitness, etc. I’m taking on a few clients for personal training - if you’re looking to gain some muscle, drop a few pounds, or just build a lasting health & fitness lifestyle, sign up for a free consultation call below. Let’s see if we can work together!

I will continue to train for something and test my body to its limits…I think God has always wanted that for me.

I will continue to document the journey of my 20’s and give insight and share learnings wherever I believe I can help.

I will continue to help you, dear reader, advance towards your fitness goals - Be it by inspiration or 1-on-1 coaching.

And I will continue to set lofty goals and chase them with all I have.

Keep following and let’s set off on this new journey together. Cheers to new beginnings and cheers to progress…just keep watching 😎 I’ll make it worth your time 😉 

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