Low Back Pain?

What's the cure?

You know that slow radiating ache you get in the low back? It hangs around and doesn’t seem to want to go away?

Or that sharp pain that hits out of nowhere when you pick something up or twist a bit?

Same lemme tell ya…pole vaulting and lifting heavy is not always easy on the body.

And as working professionals, we find ourselves sitting much of the day. We get locked into the work and forget how long we’ve been idle for!

The sedentary lifestyle only compounds the negative effects on the body.

It creeps up on you. You may feel normal one week, and the aches slowly start to set in.

But I’ve recently made some lifestyle changes that have ELIMINATED my low back pain.

Just a couple small tweaks that have made a world of a difference. You don’t have to do anything crazy here (and you definitely don’t need any painkillers or anything alike!).

I’m going to dive into a checklist of lifestyle habits to implement if you’re experiencing low back pain as well. Run through it, note the changes wherever you need, and begin to implement :)

We all have big goals this 2024…net worth, relationships, career, health & fitness, etc. Moving forward, I will be taking on a few clients for personal training. If you’re looking to gain some muscle, drop a few pounds, or just build a lasting health & fitness lifestyle in 2024, sign up for a free consultation call below. Let’s see if we can work together!


  1. 7-9 Hours of Sleep

    This is the foundation to living a healthy and fit life. I will continue to iterate this through all of my content. If this goes, everything else goes.

  2. Place a Pillow Between Your Legs While You Sleep

    This can be a game changer! This allows for your hips and spine to maintain proper alignment and can even relieve some stress on the muscles and soft tissue in your back. Give it a try :)

  3. Constant Hydration

    Remember, your body is 50-65% water! Your body needs replenishment to operate optimally. By continuing to consume enough fluids, you will lubricate your body and allow everything to move smoothly.

  4. Use a Standing Desk / Take Frequent Walks

    This was the biggest action item for me. We can get so pulled into work without taking time to move the body. I’ve recently been taking morning walks before our first meetings and then stepping away for a bit of movement periodically. It can feel disruptive, but I promise your body will thank you.

  5. Implement Core Stability / Glute Activation Exercises Into Your Routine

    This is imperative to your core strength. Utilizing exercises like planks, glute bridges, donkey kicks, etc. Will prove greatly beneficial in eliminating your back pain. Check out this link for glute activation and this link for core stability!

  6. Create a More Extensive Warmup Routine

    I get it…I hate warming up! It can feel monotonous, slow, and boring…BUT it will keep you in the exercise game longer, prevent injury, and prevent unneeded stress on the body. Take your time, listen to your body, and don’t dive into the workout until you’re fully ready.

I pray you can adopt and implement some of these lifestyle habits. I promise if you do, you’ll begin to see the benefits in your everyday life and watch the low back pain melt away. Bonus points if you can visualize a life without low back pain daily 🙂 A reminder that the body follows the mind. Best of luck and reach out if you ever have more questions!!

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