Longevity is Everything

A trip to the ER for perspective

Read Time: 1.5 Minutes

Hello Friend,

Question for you…

You ever have a very unsuspecting trip to the ER 👀 

Like one of those where you’re in the middle of the workday or school or an event…and you just gotta bolt?

Well damn I had one myself about a week ago!

Sandwich at 11 PM »

And lemme tell ya, a trip to the ER can be an alarming experience…But it never fails to remind you of a few things:

1. Life is Short

Make sure you’re checking in on the ones who invest and believe in you. Loved ones won’t be there forever.

2. Take Care of Your Health

Neglecting your general health can compound into something terrifying. Pick a few healthy habits, stick to them daily without fail, and stack those days to remain on track for longevity.

3. Be Kind

If you’ve ever been taken care of by a nurse, you know how kind and caring they can be. My nurses radiated positivity, kindness, and care. It makes you question how you can bring more of this energy into your everyday.

4. It Could Always be Worse

Look to your left and look to your right. Chances are there’s people in that hospital dealing with 10x worse conditions than you. Be grateful with what you have been dealt. Cherish your body and always thank God for your health.

5. Keep Your Visitors Close

Whoever calls, texts, visits, etc., keep that person close with everything you got. In my opinion, people most often deviate to selfishness…if someone checks in or visits, they should be the one you trust. Stick with them 💙 

Wanna help a brotha out? Fill out this short survey if you got 1 minute to spare…now back to the content :)

Coming out of that will truly reframe how you look at your general health and well-being.

Looking to your right and left will reveal some unfortunate truths about our mortality.

And all you can do is control the controllable.

So I want to introduce a quick thought exercise:

Ask yourself:

  • Where am I royally f*cking up?

  • How can I eliminate this behavior immediately?

  • What can I replace it with?

A lot of times in life, we spend too much time working to add when we should truly focus on subtraction.

We entertain too many behaviors in our every day that contribute nothing and take much.

Spend some time with those questions, dig deep, and work towards building a life worth living…outside of the ER.

Godspeed my friend 😃 

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