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- Building a Plan in Your 20's
Building a Plan in Your 20's
What if I were to tell you to drive to the opposite side of the country with no cell phone, no map, no asking strangers for directions, nothing…all you have is your own intuition and the stars to guide you.
How do you think you’d do? Probably not too hot…or maybe you’re a freak with directions or incredibly lucky, who knows??
I present this analogy in regard to building a plan for your life and career. With no plan, it would be pretty damn hard to navigate your life and the goals you have for yourself. And I am inclined to believe your life is light years ahead of a random road trip in importance…I hope ❤️
Without a plan, you’re left to guessing what direction to go at all times. What decisions to make, what job to take, what relationships you should cultivate, etc.
By floating and having no direction, you run the risk of having others take control of your life for you. Something I think everyone would not be too appreciative of.
My mentors (guys I dream of matching their success level) have told me one way or another, “If you don’t have a plan or a vision for yourself, you’ll end up lost just like everyone else in this world.”
The positive side of this: most of the successful individuals I learn from claim everything they visualized came true one way or another. If you don’t plan, you may be in for some sh**…but if you do plan, you could achieve some things you never previously thought possible.
My personal brand has brought me opportunities, connections, and deals I never imagined possible. I tell every single person close to me they should begin building their online presence and I even help them along the way. I wanted to help a wider range of people reap the same benefits, so I put together a kit covering everything I’ve learned in building my personal brand. There are anecdotes, reasons to build your brand, best practices, habits to build, and even journal entry reflections at the end of each chapter…check it out if you’re looking to grow your influence! Now let’s get back to this lesson :)
I know this is probably pretty damn overwhelming…and I say that because I thought the exact same thing when I was presented this information.
When I was first introduced to building a 10-year master plan, I thought, “Who the hell can plan 10 years out??”
But the more I contemplated the idea, the more I realized the time commitment would be worth every second.
This deep self-reflection will provide you with the clarity in who you want to become, what motivates you, what you dream of achieving, what you would never want, etc.
The best advice I received, set aside a Sunday for deep reflection and planning. Make a pot of coffee or your favorite tea (if you’re one of those people…) and just plan your years ahead. It doesn’t have to be perfect and it doesn’t have to be exact, but it will provide you with a framework for your life moving forward.
And write out everything. Are you married? Are you in your hometown? Are you jacked? Are you an employee? Do you own a business? Do you travel the world?
Answer everything and put it in your plan.
Once you have your first draft, I personally like to break it down further:
10-Year Plan
Goals for the Current Year in All Areas of Life
Spiritual / Community
Business Career
Track & Field
Personal Brand
Seasonal Plan (Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall)
Monthly Goals
Weekly Focuses
Daily Itinerary (Everything My Day Includes)
And, I know, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face.”
Which I’ve seen play out vividly in my own life trust me. Between injuries, breakups, losing loved ones, moving somewhere you didn’t think you’d end up, family issues, etc. etc.
I’ve had my plan broken, twisted, and tweaked uncountable times.
BUT…I always knew what my end goals were and the dream life I wanted to create. I am still working tirelessly to become the man I’ve always wanted to be. Even if the plan changes, I am still heading toward the same end.
By mapping out where you think your life will go with all of the data available to you, you can make more informed decisions and make them much faster than if you had never planned.
So here’s to the planning…even though it may be overwhelming, I think having a plan will put you leagues ahead of your colleagues. Even if its just 1 year out, your plan will guide you in all decisions. Best of luck out there and let’s keep at it!
When I tell people I’m working full-time and training for OLY Trials, I usually get a few different responses:
“We’ll see how long that lasts.”
“Why would you do that to yourself?”
“I could never.”…
— Jake Spotswood (@jake_spotswood)
10:20 PM • Nov 25, 2023
@jake_spotswood Big NFL contract or pole vault at the local college?? 🧐 Tuff choice #fitnessmotivation #fitness #athletics #athlete #lifelongathlete #skin... See more