The 2 Week Rule

In my life, there’s something I refer to as “The 2 Week Rule.“

This rule explains the phenomenon of the pushback you receive from your family and “friends” when you start to make positive changes to improve your life.

They observe you conducting yourself differently. You’re deviating from the norm. And a lot of times, this makes them very uncomfortable with their own behaviors and habits.

They start to call you out…

“You’ve changed.”

“Oh, so you’re too good to come out with us?”

“Why are you even posting stuff like that? People are gonna judge you.”

“Don’t you think you’re working too hard?”

“You’re gonna burn out.”

I’ve heard it all…but the important thing to remember is that this banter only lasts for about 2 weeks. Once the 2 week mark hits, these people begin to accept that this is just who you are now and this is what you do. They see that their words have no affect on you.

When I basically eliminated alcohol from my life — 2 week pushback. When I began training for my sport 3 times per day most days of the week — 2 week pushback. When I began creating content to grow my personal brand — 2 week pushback. When I decided to live cheaper to save & invest as much as I could — 2 week pushback.

And the thing is, most people don’t make it past that 2 week mark.

They go back to conforming and blending in with the group. They can’t block out the criticism enough to focus on the vision for their improved lives.

And the wild part is, most of their peers’ judgement comes from their own internal insecurities. They honestly don’t care what you do…they only care about how your self-development makes them feel about their own habits.

If you can just remind yourself to push past that 2 weeks of continuous judgement, comments, and interrogation from your peers, you’ll feel superhuman.

Then you’ll begin to understand that this pushback will come to you no matter what you do in life. You’ll start to act exactly how you want. You’ll feel free. You’ll feel like yourself. You’ll feel how YOU SHOULD feel.

Understanding “The 2 Week Rule” will help you truly embrace who you are and act exactly how you feel you are meant to. It’s a liberating feeling that is the ultimate road to happiness, in my opinion.

Letting go of the criticisms of those around you and making the changes to your life that you always felt necessary will unlock a confidence you never thought possible before.

So, here’s to making those changes you’ve been second guessing to this point.

And if you receive pushback, shoot me a message and I’ll be your cheerleader…be you unapologetically and, please, always remember “The 2 Week Rule.”

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